- Sherman Law LLP


Family Mediation resolves disputes without going to court


Experienced and accredited Kitchener family law mediator providing affordable mediation services in-person and by Zoom video conference.


Every dispute has a resolution.

Let our family mediator help you to find a solution.




Mediation is a voluntary alternative dispute resolution process
to traditional and lawyer-led litigation. 



Mediation is a private process where your personal details remain private and confidentialParticipants in mediation work together out-of-court with a specially trained accredited family mediator to discuss, review, and to make good decisions for themselves and for their children. 


Mediation resolves disputes sooner and with less expense than the court process. Family mediation can reduce family conflict and resolve disputes without having to go to court.


Sometimes, family mediation is also used together with arbitration and/or collaborative divorce


There are also options for collaborative divorce mediation where a collaborative trained accredited family mediator, who is also a certified collaboratively trained lawyer, and a family professional work collaboratively with the couple to help them resolve legal, financial, and emotional hurdles towards mutually acceptable agreements.








Aubrey J. Sherman


Aubrey is an accredited family mediator and dispute resolution professional who never loses sight that families and relationships are often at stake.


Aubrey J. Sherman is an experienced and accredited family mediator with advanced family mediation training and certification through Harvard Law School, the Ontario Association for Family Mediation, The Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies at Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo, and the ADR Institute of Ontario. He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Ontario Association for Family Mediation. Aubrey is certified in online dispute resolution (ODR) and will help you to find a solution virtually or in-person without having to go to court.


Mediation is an unregulated industry where almost anyone can call themselves a family mediator, so caution must be exercised to retain an accredited family mediator with advanced training and experience


With over 40 years of experience in resolving disputes concerning separations and divorce, the dedicated and responsive team at Sherman Law LLP understands how harmful court proceedings can be to a family and the importance of finding peaceful ways to have discussions and resolve disputes without causing hurt to the people involved.


Sherman Law LLP Community Votes Kitchener-Waterloo 2024 Platinum Award Winner Mediation Services


Platinum Award Winner - Mediation Services




Aubrey J. Sherman - AccFM AccIM Accredited Family Mediators OAFM

Accredited Family Mediator - AccFM

Accredited Intergenerational (Elder) Mediator - AccIM

Child-Inclusive Mediator, OAFM

Director - Board of Directors, OAFM


Mediation is the preferred choice of families to resolve disputes through interest-based and insightful conversations that lead to creative solutions, without the expense of having to go to court.








Mediators help to facilitate  important conversations.


  • Family mediators are neutral facilitators who do not take sides, and do not decide for the participants how to settle their case. Rather, mediators assist the participants in exploring ways to resolve disagreements in a confidential settlement process.​
  • Mediation helps to guide participants towards reaching resolution by applying an interest-based and insightful approach to conflict resolution, where you will negotiate all of your family issues, including property, support, parenting, and the family home.​
  • Mediation provides a supportive and caring environment to have open, thoughtful, and constructive dialogue between the parties to resolve disputes. You will work with the mediator to make decisions that are best for your family.






Make decisions about your family in a peaceful and cost-effective way.


  • Couples are empowered when they are able to make decisions about their life and their family, rather than a stranger in the court system making decisions. We bring decades of skill and experience to the process in helping parties to reduce stress and find solutions that meet their values and goals towards a mutually acceptable resolution
  • We offer competitive and flat rate packages to begin the mediation process and to resolve disputes without having to go to court.
  • Mediation includes detailed worksheets that review all of the topics that need to be discussed and reviewed for the resolution of your dispute in a cost-effective manner towards a mediated separation agreement and parenting plan.







Improve communication and strengthen parenting relationships.


  • We begin our process by completing a confidential intake meeting with each party. We review the nature of the conflict and problems that brought you to seek the assistance of the mediator and discuss the concerns of each party.​
  • In the first session, we set goals for the mediation that often include seeking values-based solutions, strengthening relationships, reducing family conflict, and enhancing family communications.​​
  • We facilitate conversations to resolve disputes by applying principled negotiation strategies from Harvard Law School that focus on interest-based discussions. ​Our mediators also have insightful conversations to reduce conflict, strengthen relationships, and enhance family communication skills.






Mediation results in fair and thoughtful dispute resolution.


  • Our role as mediators is to facilitate client-led conversations and negotiations where maintaining a good relationship with your spouse is still a possibility. 
  • The mediation process results in fair, interest-based, and insightful dispute resolution.
  • When appropriate, we work with our clients to shift the focus from blame and anger to being mindful, developing emotional intelligence, and having reflective thought in considering options, ideas, and solutions that consider the best interests of each person and their family. 








A positive experience for everyone.


  • The resolution of family law matters by mediation is a positive experience for participants where they are able to examine their respective interests in a safe and welcoming environment. ​
  • Families can save time, money and energy by working together with an accredited family mediator to work through their issues without having to go to court.​
  • Family law disputes are often best resolved outside of the courtroom through mediated discussions. Many online posts from others who have been in a high conflict separation and divorce will speak about dissatisfaction with the court process that is slow-moving and how savings were spent in endless legal fees.








Resolve disputes in a timely manner.


  • As experienced family law lawyers, our mediators understand the law and can facilitate the mediation process with this knowledge and insight to allow for timely resolution of disputes
  • We provide you with legal information throughout the process and a review of the law so you are able to make informed decisions.​ We are also able to assist in preparing the exchange of financial information, a draft mediated separation agreement and/or a parenting plan. 
  • As a neutral third-party, the mediator cannot provide legal advice to the participants. All participants are encouraged to consult with their own legal counsel for Independent Legal Advice (ILA) throughout the mediation process and once the mediation sessions have been completed to review the mediation report and any draft agreement.










Are you ready to get started with family mediation

as the best choice for your family?


 For over 40 years, clients have trusted in our ability to help families to peacefully resolve conflict and disputes. 

To benefit from our knowledge and experience with respect to family mediation as part of your separation or divorce, please contact 519-884-0034 or send us an email.


Many of our clients are referred to us by former and current clients, as well as by lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors.


We serve clients in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Stratford, Hamilton, London and surrounding areas.