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Aubrey Sherman speaks on Independent Legal Advice in Family Mediation

  Sherman Law LLP is pleased to share that our partner, Aubrey Sherman recently presented at "Crossing the Cultural Divide: Practical Ways Lawyers and Mediators can Better Work Together for the Benefit of the Public" in association with Ontario's Family Law Limited Scope Services Project, Ontario Association for Family Mediation and Law Pro. &...
Learn more about Aubrey Sherman speaks on Independent Legal Advice in Family Mediation >>

Supreme Court of Canada holds that financial disclosure must be provided in child support cases where income fluctuates

  I previously wrote in a blog about the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Michel v. Graydon, 2020 SCC 24 that a parent's ability to make retroactive claims for child support is based on a child's best interests and a parent's obligation to provide timely financial disclosure, whereby Canada's highest court held that parents must p...
Learn more about Supreme Court of Canada holds that financial disclosure must be provided in child support cases where income fluctuates >>

Understanding Changes to the Divorce Act

  Family law touches the lives of more Canadians than any other areas of law. Despite this fact, the family court system is often out-of-touch with the realities for many families whose lives significantly change as the result of separation and divorce. Statistics show that over two million children are living in divorced or separated famili...
Learn more about Understanding Changes to the Divorce Act >>

Top 10 reasons why a Collaborative Separation & Divorce is best for your family

As a collaborative family law practitioner, I am often asked by clients why a collaborative separation and divorce is the best choice for them in contrast to the traditional adversarial approach to litigation and court proceedings that often results in higher costs and increased conflict.   There are many reasons in support of Collaborative Fa...
Learn more about Top 10 reasons why a Collaborative Separation & Divorce is best for your family >>

5 Reasons Why You Need a Will

People often avoid contemplating their own mortality and neglect to plan for the distribution of their assets when they die. Many put off to tomorrow planning that should be done today. Unfortunately, everyone will eventually pass away and often with considerable assets. In light of how our daily lives have changed as a result of COVID-19, we are receivi...
Learn more about 5 Reasons Why You Need a Will >>

What happens when parents disagree over whether or not school is safe for a child?

Many parents have recently found themselves in disagreement over whether or not in-person learning at school is safe for their children with the rise of COVID-19 cases across much of the country. Parents may find themselves in disagreement, and naturally there is often divided opinion between parents, especially for those who are separated and divorced and d...
Learn more about What happens when parents disagree over whether or not school is safe for a child? >>

Supreme Court of Canada Clarifies Position on Retroactive Child Support

The Supreme Court of Canada in Michel v. Graydon, 2020 SCC 24 recently released a decision clarifying its position on awarding a variance in retroactive child support to children who are not adults.      What is retroactive child support?   Retroactive child support is support that a parent is ordered to pay in sit...
Learn more about Supreme Court of Canada Clarifies Position on Retroactive Child Support >>

An Urgent and Emergency Motion in Family Court must always include an Affidavit in support

Court holds that an Urgent and Emergency Motion in Family Court must always include an Affidavit in support   The Unified Family Court in Kitchener of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently held that an emergency and urgent motion during COVID-19 required an affidavit in support of the motion, service on the Applicant father, and...
Learn more about An Urgent and Emergency Motion in Family Court must always include an Affidavit in support >>

Is it safe to self-isolate at your cottage? Case review of Grossman v. Kline

In Grossman v. Kline, 2020 ONSC 2714,  Madam Justice J. Akbarali of the Toronto Superior Court of Justice released a recent decision from a family law emergency urgent motion concerning shared parenting and one parent's desire to self-isolate with their child at the cottage to the objection of the other parent during COVID-19. The parents...
Learn more about Is it safe to self-isolate at your cottage? Case review of Grossman v. Kline >>

Emergency motions for child access during COVID-19. Case review of Ribeiro v. Wright

In numerous ways our daily lives have had to be put on hold since COVID-19 and requirements to social distance must continue to prevail. In the recent case of Ribeiro v. Wright, 2020 ONSC 1829, Mr. Justice A. Pazaratz of the Hamilton Superior Court of Justice recently released the first endorsement with respect to family law and urgent matters of access...
Learn more about Emergency motions for child access during COVID-19. Case review of Ribeiro v. Wright >>


Aubrey Sherman
Name: Aubrey Sherman
Posts: 29
Last Post: June 18, 2024



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